Healthy Action > Reverse_Osmosis_Filters












Reverse Osmosis Lan Shan (counter top) LSRO-EQ5 


Lan Shan 5 Stage RO LSRO-EQ5 - This model is designed to sit on the bench top and look good in any kitchen. This unit provides 5 stage reverse osmosis filtration at both hot and room temperature, whilst being computer controlled enabling self diagnosis if ever a problem should arise. This model is eqipped with quick change "twist n turn" filters, and has an automatic flush funtion to prolong the RO membrane.


Reverse Osmosis Lan Shan (Under Sink) LSRO-919WR


Lan Shan 5 Stage RO LSRO-919WR - This unit is equipped with three pre - filters and one post filter, as well as a micro processor computer that manages auto flushing to preserve the RO menbrane. The user is also given ample notice of when a filter change is required. Featuring quick change canister filters, and a booster pump fitted as standard, you and your family can rest assured that clean, sparkling sweet tasting water is close at hand!



Reverse Osmosis Lan Shan (Basic) LS-BB203


Lan Shan 5 Stage RO LS-BB203 - If you are on a budget, but would like all of the benefits of consuming water that has been passed through a 5 stage reverse osmosis system - then this is the model for you! This unit has all of the features mentioned above, including quick replace filters and heavy duty pump,  except the micro processor. The LS-BB203 will sit under the kitchen counter easily, and will supply the family quality drinking water free of fluouride and many other contaminants for years to come!






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