Action > Solar Lighting
Price: 9.90
The LED Solar Powered key
ring is an item few can be without! This 3 LED equiped unit provides ample light, and will
charge itself with ambient light. Never be without light
Hood Projection Solar Lamp
Price: $49.00
Our Hood Projection Solar
Lamp is ideal to use in the garden or feature display. This unit is fully water proof,
and provides ample brightness for all but the most demanding applications. This unit will
provide light for up to 10 hours after each daily charge, providing consistant reliability for many
years to come.
4 LED Solar Indoor Lighting System
Price: $319.00
The 4 LED Solar Indoor Lighting System offers an
alternative to traditional mains powered down lights. This kit is perfect for those that live off
the grid but would like some free light. Included within the kit is a 10 watt solar panel, 4 LED
downlights, powerful storage battery and associated cable - everything you need to bring a little
light into your life!