Healthy Action > LED Therapy


 Acetino Professional LED Device - Acne Pro


Woman using the Acetino LED device... 

 Price: $119.00


                  What LED Therapy Can Do For You

ACNE: LED therapy has shown to be very effective in the treatment of acne and skin inflammation. Following is a recent excerpt from a journal outlining the use of LED therapy.

"Sunlight has been proven as a treatment for mild to moderate acne, but unfortunately sunlight has ultra-violet (UV) rays that damages & ages the skin. The 38 super bright LED Blue Light Therapy Bulb has no UV rays. The blue light has a peak wavelength of 415nm (nanometers), out of UV range.The blue light targets to kill propionibacterium acne or the bacteria associated with acne. The FDA approved blue light therapy for acne treatment in August 2002. Also research has been proven by the British of Dermatology (July 2000) that light therapy does improve acne in to mild to moderate cases with a blue light consisting of 415nm & 660nm".

WOUND HEALING: LED and low level laser light has been shown to decrease inflammation, reduce swelling, enhance pain relief, decrease muscle spasms, accelerate open wound healing, and increase peripheral blood flow. The following is an excerpt from a government study into the effectiveness of LED for wound healing. " LED produced in vitro increases of cell growth of 140-200% in fibroblasts, osteoblasts, and skeletal muscle cells, and increases in growth of 155-171% of normal human epithelial cells. Wound size decreased up to 36% in conjunction with HBO in ischemic rat models. LED produced improvement of greater than 40% in musculoskeletal training injuries in Navy SEAL team members, and decreased wound healing time in crew members aboard a U.S. Naval submarine."Journal of clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery, Volume 19, No 6, 2001, Mary Anne Liebert, Inc, P305 - 314

COLLAGEN REPAIR: Laboratory studies have shown that skin cells grow in upwards of 160 - 200% more quickly when exposed to certain LED wavelengths. Research undertaken inderpendently for over 40 years has shown LED red and infra red light delivers powerful therapeutic effects to living tissue. To date, at least 24 positive changes occur to the quality of the dermal layers - with increasing the collagen thickness / volume being one of them. Epidermal and dermal changes in response to various skin rejuvenation methods D. Helbig, J. C. Simon, U. Paasch International Journal of Cosmetic Science. Jun 2010: no-no



Why Should I Use the Acetino™ over other Acne Treatments? 

LED Acetino 3 Colour Package...
  • The Acetino Pro works by penetrating deep into the tissues of the upper dermis, treating acne at the root. Other treatments, especially topical solutions and creams - just do not work! 
  • The Acetino Pro is mess free, and in fact promotes effective breathing of the skin - creams do not.
  • LED light therapy has been reserched extensively, with real science showing many times over just how effective this therapy can be.


Scientific Studies - LED Therapy Backed by Science



"The combined LED therapeutic regimen was well received by subjects, with 77% reporting a ‘marked effect’ of treatment or ‘complete clearance’ at final follow-up."

Karu T. Primary and secondary mechanisms of action of visible to near IR radiation on cells. J Photochem Photobiol B. 1999;49:1-17.

Combination blue (415 nm) and red (633 nm) LED phototherapy in the treatment of mild to severe acne vulgaris

Treatment with LEDs: A New Perspective in Phototherapy

The NASA Light-Emitting Diode Medical Program - Progress in Space Flight and Terrestrial Applications

Mitochondrial signal transduction in accelerated wound and retinal healing by near-infrared light therapy


 Testimonials From LED Users




"I have been using the LED light system for a number of months now. I have always had issues with my skin, including scarring, red blotchiness and acne. After using the LED light system, my acne began to lessen in its severity, it no longer scars from active acne, as well as the overall redness on my face is gone! Also, the texture of my skin has improved! My makeup is a lot easier to apply now - which I really like! I have had oily skin for most of my adolescent life, and after using the LED system, my skin is not as oily anymore. I used the  LED device for one month every day for about 18 minutes each session, and after that, I went down to on avrage 9 minutes each day. Truly, the LED system is awsome!" 


"I have suffered acne for a number of years now, in fact ever since I reached the age of puberty. I have used a number of different topical applications, but only with limited success. I was introduced to the LED therapy by a friend who was troubled by rosacia, and she was so taken with the therapy that she suggested that I give it a go. Much to my surprise it worked! I still get acne breakouts, but as a rule they are less severe and do not last as long before it begins to clear. Oh, my skin does not scar as much as it used to, which I am very happy about. Thankyou so much!"


"I am a girl of 20 years of age who has had alot of acne problems when I was younger, but now the main problem is the scarring that I am left with. Though I can cover most of it with makup, I do know that my skin doesn't like to be constantly covered and not allowed to breathe. Since using the LED light system, my scaring has reduced dramatically. I have been diligent with the treatment for almost three months now, and all I can say is thankyou so much. I will continue to use the system as a preventative measure".


"I found out about light therapy from one of my friends who is a cosmetologist. I deliberated for a number of months before I purchased it, but now I am so glad that I did! My daughter and friend have noticed differences in my appearance after only 3 - 4 weeks of use. The colour of my skin has become more pink, and it actually looks as though there is more life in it. Now, after 2 months of using the LED light system I can see, and my daughter also confirms that the wrinkles on my neck and face are signifigantly reduced. My skin overall looks visibly younger, and I would recommend this product to anyone - it works!" J.B



 "I am a 50 year old male that still likes to look as good as I can - though I must say it is becoming increasingly difficult as I get older! I decided to use light therapy after reading how it can assist with collagen regeneration - especially when using the red light, as it penetrates quite deeply into the skin. I have been using the LED device now for about 2 months, and can happily report that I have experienced very positive results! Thankyou so much, and I look forward to using the therapy as part of my ongoing youth regime!" Luke S


 Frequently Asked Questions

1... Is there any scientific proof that LED or photorejuvenation works?
Unlike many devices on the market today, LED light therapy has been thoroughly tested, evaluated and validated by hundreds of universities, medical labs - not to mention NASA. In fact there are over 2000 reports and university conducted studies that have published positive findings on this type of technology.

2... What areas of the body can be treated using LED therapy?
LED light therapy can be used on any part of the body, and has been shown to be most effective on improving the appearance of the face, neck and chest.

3... Is the Acetino LED device save?
Yes, it is completely safe and non - invasive. This exact technology has been used for many years for the accelarated healing of of tissue after medical procedures, in health spas and expensive dermatological clinics all over the world. The effective energy levels employed by this unit fall well below the OSHA and ANS/IES standards.

4... Is LED therapy different from lasers?
Yes. LED therapy is non invasive and completely non - thermal. Lasers employ the use of concentrated focused energy, and if not careful and administered by professionals can easily damage body tissue. LED therapy instead uses the natural and specifically selected wavelengths of light to bring about a therapeutic change within the body - resulting in a therapy that is completely free of pain, with no down time or side effects. 

5... Can LED therapy be used in conjunction with other therapies?
Absolutely. In fact, the penetration and thus effectiveness of lotions and dermal creams will be drastically enhanced when used in conjunction with LED therapy. It has also been found that LED therapy complements many other facial procedures, including microdermabrasion. Light therapy facillitates peripheral blood flow, and the greater the blood flow - the quicker one heals.

6... How long will it take for me to see results?
Each person at different speed to the treatment. Some people much more quickly than others, depending on the age of the individual, physical condition, skin type, diet and alcahol consumption, smoking habits, etc. That said, most people will see results conclusive results within the span of 4 - 8 weeks, but many have reported positive results in as little as 1 - 3 weeks. Some have even reported back that after the first treatment they have seen results!

7... The most important things to remember are;
a) This technology works, and works well. So persistance is the key.
b) It is very important to take a picture before you begin using LED therapy so that you can clearly see the difference in the weeks to follow.

8... What about using acne creams with LED therapy?
Yes, this is often a good strategy to use - but remember, only apply the topical treatment after the LED treatment has finished, and not before.

9... What does the red LED light do?
Red & infrared light has a wavelength ranging from 660 - 880 nanometres (nm), & penetrates tissues to a depth of 8 - 10mm, greatly increasing the blood flow to that area of the body. This type of light also stimulates fibroblasts within the dermis to produce new collagen. This is the protein responsible for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, whilst regenerating aged and sun damaged skin. It is in fact quite similar to receiving an injection of your own collagen!

10... What does the blue LED light do?
Blue light is particularly beneficial to acne sufferers, as it exhibits many anti bacterial properties. Blue light has a wavelength of around 415nm, which is at exactly the correct frequency to kill the acne promoting bacteria Propionbacterium. This is the primary form of bacteria that gives rise to acne outbreaks.

11... What does the green LED light do?
Green light has a wavelength of approximately 525nm, and the properties of green LED light bestbenefit those seeking to reduce hyper -
pigmentation and sun damage. LED's emitting green light have the ability to penetrate into the basal layer of the dermis to rejuvinate the melanocytes.


 LED therapy is quickly becoming recognized as the safest & most effective acne treatment on the market. If you suffer from acne that just won't go away - LED light therapy is for you...


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